All users must read and be aware of the contents of these clauses carefully, and we specify that the Foundation is not responsible for the actions of users without reading these clauses in the future.
This white paper deals with the contents of the ICMT project and is distributed for reference purposes only, and we inform that it can be modified later due to the direction of business operation or legislation.
It can be used only for purposes related to the provision of services such as ICMT and the wallet provided by ICMT described in this white paper.
This White Paper shall not be used to encourage investment, etc. and has no relation to the purchase / sale of ICMT or to any contract between individuals.
None, including the owner of ICMT or foundation affiliates, recommend the purchase of ICMT through this white paper. Reading this white paper should not be a judgment material for the decision to purchase ICMT and should not invest solely relying on this white paper.
It should not be understood or interpreted that this white paper guarantees the return on investment regarding to ICMT.
Those who wish to purchase ICMT are encouraged to seek sufficient advice from experts with specialized knowledge. The contents of this white paper do not guarantee the integrity, completeness, or the accuracy of the ICMT Project.
The ICMT Foundation and its officials do not take legal responsibility for indirect, special, or consequential losses that may result from investment depending on the content of this white paper and the responsibility cannot be pushed on.
ICMT Foundation shall not be held responsible for any risks caused by the buyer's negligence, such as the loss of the authentication device or a mistake in transaction.
The ICMT Foundation shall not be responsible for any investment risks that may arise from changes in the value of ICMT due to force majeure, such as deterioration of economic conditions, changes in national laws, and natural disasters etc.
The contents of this white paper must not be reproduced or distributed without permission.
Investment decision must be made in a legally unrestricted manner in accordance with the laws of the country where the purchaser resides.
Under no circumstances should you cause loss to others, such as taking tokens through illegal channels or extorting personal assets.
No one can be held responsible for the buyer's judgment since the profit that may be incurred is by the buyer's judgment, and even if a loss occurs, it is a decision made by the buyer's decision.
Information not provided in this white paper is provided separately on ICMT official website or the official community.
Last updated